SETC Hartron Typing Test 3 Formula to Calculate Speed Test:CW = Total correct typed wordsTW = Total Typed Word ( CW + RW )TM = Total MistakesTyping Speed (WPM)=[Total Typed Words – No. of Mistakes] / TimeThe minimum speed should be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:i.The SETC test shall be conducted only for existing/ newly recruited Clerk includes Clerk-cum Computer operator, Office Associate, Clerk-cum-Data Entry Operator, Steno-typists, Data Entry Operator, Clerk-cum-Typist, Assistant (whether regular or contractual) of Government Departments/ Boards/ Corporations/ Agencies etc. of State of Haryana.ii.If the Signature/Photograph of the Applicant did not match at the time of test, then the form will be rejected straightaway.ii.In case the applicant fails to deposit the fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/ rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.iv.A candidate is allowed to submit only one application form. If a candidate submits more than one application form, the candidature of the applicant will be rejected.v.Benchmark Disable candidates (disability more than fourty percentage) must submit their recent Disability Certificate issued by competent authority at the time of test. In case his/her fails to submit Disability certificate then application form will be rejected bring the print outs of Application Form and e-admit card with duly filled section “Verification Section by the office of the employee” in application form duly signed & stamped by competent authority and in case of claiming exemption from On- line test then he/she may also attach the duly self- attested copy of passed course/certificate/degree with the application form. The printed photo (latest) on the application form of the candidates should also be duly attested by his/her Departments/Organizations competent authority. The complete application form should also be having the endorsement no. and date of the his/her Departments/ acknowledgement card will be sent to the candidate. Applicant should download the e-admit card on scheduled date mention on Hartron website and bring the same at the time of appearing of test.vii.The application system is not checking your eligibility while submission. Hence you are required to ensure your eligibility w.r.t. our notifications/letters before applying. Mere submission of application will not guarantee the candidature for further process.ix.In case a candidate/ employee does not fulfill the eligibility conditions, the application form will be rejected straight way.x.In case a candidate/ employee is found to have concealed any material facts/given wrong information, his/her application will be rejected.xi.The candidates/employees should be present at the Examination Centre, as mention on e-admit card half an hour before the commencement of the test.xi.At the time of test, the candidates/ employees should bring original identity card/ certificate issued from the employer in proof of employment and the certificate/ documents claiming exemption from Basic Computer Knowledge Test i.e. 1st part of SETC Test for eligibility.xii.The conduct of test is subject to the verification of original documents/ certificates mentioned at point no. xii at the time of test. if any candidate/employee is found ineligible at a later stage, even after conduct of test, his/ her test/ certificate will be cancelled automatically.xiv.The candidates/ employees found using or attempting to use any unfair means shall be disqualified, besides other punitive measures.xv.No candidate/ employee shall be permitted to leave the examination Centre earlier than the time fixed for the test.xvi.The use of calculating and communication aids and electronic devices like mobile phone, calculator & I-Pad etc. are not permitted and are not allowed in the examination hall.xvi.The candidates/ employees must read the instructions pasted in- side and out-side the examination hall.xvii.Application fee is non-refundable.xix.The decision of the Managing Director/Chairman, Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited, Chandigarh shall be final and binding in all respects.xx.All legal disputes with regard to the SETC will be subject to the jurisdiction of Chandigarh only.