RRB NTPC Typing Test 43 CW = Total correct typed wordsTW = Total Typed Word ( CW + RW )TM = Total MistakesFCM = Final Count of Mistakes= Number of Mistakes – 5% of total number of words typedTyping Speed (WPM)=[No. of total words typed – (Final count of mistake x 10)] / TimeThe minimum speed should be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi.  The candidates are required to type at least 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi. Instruction to Candidates for Railway Recruitment Boards – Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST) :Shortlisted candidates for RRB NTPC CBTST should exercise their option for Typing Language of either English / Hindi, through the link provided in the official website of respective RRBs. If the candidate does not choose the typing language within the stipulated time, the default Language for typing will be ENGLISH.The candidates will have to type in English or Hindi, as per option exercised by them on RRB websites. English will be the Typing Language for those who have not exercised their option. Candidates who have opted Hindi for Typing Test must be familiar with the usage of Krutidev or Mangal font.The exam session consists of three parts viz. (i) Typing practice for one minute to warm up & familiarize with key board. (ii) Break of 30 seconds and (iii) Typing Test for 10 minutes which will be taken for evaluation. As the skill test is to determine the speed, candidates who have completed the passage can retype passage from the beginning within the duration of test i.e. 10 minutes. Candidates who do not type the whole passage at least once in 10 minutes will be treated as disqualified. The transcripts of those candidates who do not type 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi within the prescribed time will not be evaluated.The mistakes will be classified as full mistakes and half mistakes. 5% mistakes of the total words typed may be ignored.