BPSMV Khanpur Typing Test 17

Instructions of BPSMV Khanpur Non Teaching post Typing Test:

-Download and take Hard copy of paragraph to start typing test.
-The candidates are required to type the passage on computer from beginning of the passage.
-In actual exam before commencement of actual test, a test passage of 05 minutes duration will be allowed to enable the candidates to adjust to the system and key board.
-Candidates can use keyboard/backspace for correcting mistakes while on typing on computer.

Typing Test For The Post Of Clerk,  Computer Assistant And Clerk-Cum-Data Entry Operator For Direct Recruitment In BPSMV Khanpur Kalan:

  • For the post of Computer Asst. and Clerk should have  proficiency in use of computers. Candidates will have to qualify a written test and typing test at the speed of 30 words in English/ Hindi per minute and computer test at the speed of 8000 key depressions per hour in MS Word. The candidates shall have to qualify the Type Test (Phase-I), Computer Appreciation and Application (Phase-II) and Aptitude Test (Phase-III).
  • Typing Test will be of 30 Marks
  • Final Selection will be based on the total aggregate marks/Merit of the candidate out of 100 will be calculated as per Criteria of Selection of 4 phases (i.e. Marks obtained in Type test on  Computer in Phase – I) + (Marks obtained in test of  Computer Appreciation & Application test in Phase-II) + (Marks obtained in Aptitude test in Phase-III) + Marks on the basis of Academic Qualification (after Physically verification of original documents) in Phase-IV. All marks/percentage/merits points will be computed with the precision of three digits after decimal without any rounding. Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list prepared on the basis of aggregate marks obtained by the candidates out of 100.
  • Phase -1 will consist of type test in English on Computer only. The candidate has to qualify the type test as per criteria specified  to appear in Phase–II.
  • Candidate will be provided with a passage comprising of 600 words in English. The required qualifying speed on Computer for typing test is 30 Words Per Minute (WPM). The duration of test will be TEN (10) minutes.
  • Formula of Calculation of Marks in type Test (Phase-I):
    • Marks in Type Test (Phase-I) out of 30=(Words Per Minute minus 30) = (WPM – 30)
    • The transcripts of those candidates comprising of less than 300 words will not be evaluated.
    • Marks will not be given whose speed will be less than 30 WPM, they will be declared as ‘Not Qualified’
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